Upcoming Events

Mar 10 Spring Camp Starts
Mar 14 Spring Camp Ends
Mar 16 Spring Break

Special Celebrations

Feb 16 Yoga Session
Feb 24 MahaShivrathiri
Mar 9 Holi

Spring Camp  

Spring Camp Registration Form



Our Activities

  • Bala Vihar is a weekly gathering of children, between the ages of five to fifteen years that takes place in Chinmaya Mission Centres or in private homes, under the supervision of trained teachers. The aim of Bala Vihar is to help children bloom, grow, and inculcate values through fun-filled activities. Bala Vihar enhances the overall development of the personality of a child at all levels — physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. 
  • Chinmaya Yuva Kendra (CHYK) is a global youth wing of Chinmaya Mission. It aims to empower youth with the vision, values and dynamism for success in all fields. CHYK conducts weekly classes where young people are made aware of their potential through the study of scriptures. CHYK also organises and executes cultural, social and spiritual programmes.
  • Chinmaya Study group involves five to fifteen people who meet at a mutually agreed time, place and day for about ninety minutes each week. The group studies and discusses scriptural texts according to a prescribed syllabus that offers the seeker a systematic exposure to Vedanta. Devi Groups are exclusively for women. These groups meet for scriptural study, devotional singing and a variety of cultural and social activities.
  • Jnana Yajnas are five to seven days series of public discourses on a Vedantic scripture given by an Acharya of the Chinmaya Mission. Jnana Yajnas are regularly organised by all Chinmaya Mission centres. Spiritual Camps are week-long retreats organised by Chinmaya Mission in various ashrams and other locations all over the world.

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General Donation to Chinmaya Goloka 



Founder's Tree  

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