Upcoming Events

Mar 10 Spring Camp Starts
Mar 14 Spring Camp Ends
Mar 16 Spring Break

Special Celebrations

Feb 16 Yoga Session
Feb 24 MahaShivrathiri
Mar 9 Holi

Spring Camp  

Spring Camp Registration Form

The Balavihar children having been exposed to the Vedanta for their young formative years, are on the cusp of their next journey in life, becoming young leaders and giving back to the mission. With their spiritual core primed over the years, they are now ready for selfless seva, as they work towards making the mission better.
During the first half of the academic year, invited life-skill experts teach the leaders about various life skills. The main areas covered are Leadership, Communication and Finance. Skills that are absolutely needed to navigate the oceans of life as smoothly and as storm-free as possible.
The second half of the year, in addition to life skills, the leaders are focused on planning & executing various JCHYK initiatives for the rest of the year and the first half of the next year. These are self-led projects with guidance from the JCHYK Facilitator.
Jr Chyk sessions are conducted every weekend at Goloka . The annual session runs from August to May, parallel to the regular school calendar. The duration of each session is one hour .